What is it like to co-create with emergence/emerge with co-creation?

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What is it like to co-create with emergence/emerge with co-creation?

Last month saw an energetic hive of activity as many hearts came together to design, co-create and emerge a treasure of transformative and aligned events including Up Convergence, Caravans of Unity, 11 Days of Global Peace and Peace Weekend.

Sitting and leading in intersecting circles of these events and representing The Hague Center was Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, WholeWorld-View core team member. Emma, our administrator talked to her about the designing and presenting in emergence of these large-scale co-creative events and what the highlights and takeaways were.

We would love to share more on global co-creation and transformation design tips and guidance for others. Please let us know your questions and how you enjoy this write-up.

Balancing structure and emergence in uncertain times

For World Unity Week in June, WholeWorld-View designed a flow of events around their unifying framework and the layers of me, we and all (local, global and cosmic). For September's suite of events the invitation was more to adapt to an already created rhythm, sensing in field that was already being prepared and adding to that.

Anne-Marie invited Jude Currivan, Co-Founder of WWV to create eleven pulses - aligned with the 11 themes of the 11 days of Global Unity, as generated in 2004 2004 by We, The World. The pulses consisted of a video, a statement and a question. These were used in team calls, morning attunements and in a variety of ways during the events and by different participating circles, and are still a source of inspiration and practice and available here/LINK .

What these became were hand rails - stepping stones with which to navigate and provide structure - inviting creative emergence to come through. Anne-Marie shared - "Tuning into the pulse each day, or beforehand by social architects of The Hague Center whilst designing different offerings in the UP Convergence provided support for the field we were creating. The pulse itself - the wording, text, image - then sparked different types of creativity to manifest, an insight or sense aligned with that theme, or an action that wanted to be given life - they gave a context and deeper sense - a calling question that sparked different parts of ourselves to design and go deeper into our contributions".

"I would love there to be more studies around this. The pulses were a structure that served emergence and this insight really does give guidance for us in these uncertain times - how structures and systems can support and be at play within emergence is really helpful. They supported me in coping, fully being and showing up to present and host in these contexts and environments where people are supported by more structure than I myself often need. In this way I learned from responses and sharings that the vision and wholeholding was easily accessible for others. "

Linking up and lifting up to make us bolder

As part of the Caravan of Unity events programme Anne-Marie proposed and supported others to bring peace via activation and ceremonies at 25 sacred sites across 10 countries in Europe LINK.

Working with MiraMichelle who explains more about this particular event in our news article here, Jude Currivan of WholeWorld-View and others made all the difference to making this possible. "Working with WW-V in fields of energetics and practicing these kinds of things has made it so clear and important that we must boldly step up and create things that might feel too "witchy" and just to do it. For many it is important to be held by the scientific context of WW-V. To experience actually that we are so supported in this together. Personally, being grounded in the WholeWorld-View circle helps me to do this in other circles and leads to some wonderful occurrences, such as the Druidic participation in the caravan, that wouldn't have happened otherwise. I'm really seeing the impact of WWV's work in this way."

Healing our relationship to Gaia

A third aspect that stood out for Anne-Marie was that listening to and connecting to the land, to Gaia is becoming so present. "That this relationship is there and is happening is becoming ever more tangible, visible and speakable. When the space is provided, an open and supportive field encourages more conversations as we feel safer to discuss and for people to try things out for themselves - Gaia is calling for this!"

"During the lockdown's closing up we have been opening up to nature, to the space and place in which we live, our connection to place, broadening how we listen in different ways. This is also coming back from work we do at The Hague Center with the ways that we work with ECOintention and Deep Earth Architecture. Also with systemic constellations, our work with Richard Olivier at Olivier Mythodrama and Otto Scharmer at the Presencing Institute. Then there is the opening up to the more feminine-rooted and yin way of practicing, of coming into alignment for more listening, more clarity and welling up of opportunities for connecting to our heart - carrying more potential for our intentions to takes us a layer deeper.”


The Hague Centre
Caravan of Unity
UP Convergence
11 Days of Global Unity
Peace Weekend
Olivier Mythodrama
Presencing Institute

Contact us to tell us your experience of working in emergence, your questions, your feedback.