who we are
Together, we aim to share Understanding, Experiencing and Embodying Unitive Awareness to serve humanity's conscious evolution
Merging science and spirituality, we aim to bring the most up to date science and experiencing of our great interconnectedness. This information, we hope, grounds, inspires and empowers you on your journey to express and embody your unique and individual diversity, feel your belonging and powerfully know and spread awareness of our fundamental unity.
We offer ways of connecting and finding community in this exciting new endeavour of living into the unity of our collective diversity. Ways of exploring, understanding, experiencing and embodying this new wholeworld-view - linking you up with our partners, via quarterly newsletters, articles, news, publications and more.
We have scientifically-based evidence that we've never had before. It is time for a fragmented worldview based on the illusion of separation to end. Healing our understanding offers us an experiential and transformative pathway home to our innate wholeness and offers us authentic hope for a future that works for the good of the whole.
To paraphrase philosopher Teilhard de Chardin: Someday, we shall harness the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, humanity will have discovered fire.
That someday is here and now. As we wake up to the radical reality of a wholeworld-view and a unitive narrative, we will also discover as a species and perhaps for the first time - who we really and truly are and who we can evolve to become.
Our exploration of unified reality reveals:
The overall need for a new and unitive narrative.
How to move from the illusion of separation into the wholeworld-view of unity in diversity.
Awareness that mind and consciousness is not something we have, mind and consciousness is what we and the whole world are.
The context of constantly emerging complexity and a universal evolutionary impulse.
That we can be in tune and align with the evolutionary impulse and flow.
That we have the option to choose the underpinning narrative and co-create from it the stories that we want to live into.
That as we make life-affirming choices we are microcosmic co-creators of the cosmic consciousness that is our entire Universe.
our core team as follows, serve the evolutionary pulse and flow of our purpose -
Core Team
Our Core Team contribute their time, presence and gifts voluntarily, as well as contributing to the financial costs of administration, promotion and development.
We are looking for financial co-funders to continue to expand and evolve our impact. To contribute a one-off or monthly payments, please follow the link below to our Paypal donations page. Or please contact us about contributing.
A WholeWorld-View was co-founded in 2017 by Jude Currivan and Gil Agnew.