What happens when leading edge science and universal spirituality converge?


Wednesday 1 July

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
4:00 - 6:00 PM BST
5:00 – 7:00 PM CET

Join Humanity Rising and WholeWorld-View Core Team and Unity Community friends and members for Day 41 and this discussion:

How a WholeWorld-View Can Empower Transformational Change

Leading-edge science is converging with universal spirituality, revealing the integral nature of reality and illusion of separation. A panel of global change-makers explores how this wholeworld-view can empower transformational change.

Humanity Rising; Every day from 5:00 – 7:00 PM CET find dialogues about how we can work together to create a more sustainable and resilient post pandemic world. 

Register or for event live streams, visit our YouTube channel

Until recently, mainstream science has considered the seemingly separate and material appearance of the universe as being its essential, and sole, reality. Now, a fundamentally different understanding is emerging. Leading-edge science across all scales of existence and across many fields of research is revealing that mind and consciousness aren’t something we have – but rather what we and the whole world are. This new wholeworld-view paradigm converges with profound spiritual insights and experiences of all ages and traditions. It sees the physical realm as the manifestation of a deeper, unified, in-formational reality. This integral model invites and empowers a renewed realisation of the inherent sanctity and universal worth and value of all existence. Crucially, it offers meaning and purpose to our existence, and that of our entire Universe.

Unity awareness understands the ultimately unified nature of reality. But that it also expresses itself through radical diversity, not homogeneity; through unique individuation and experience and collective inclusivity. Coming together as a species – not only to understand, but vitally to experience and embody such unity awareness – would transform how we relate to ourselves, each other and our planetary home in every way we can imagine, and with love, not fear at its heart. It would honour the power of unity consciousness to catalyse radical and transformational change.

Convener and presenter: 



  • Wendy Ellyatt, Flourish Project

  • Kim Polman, Reboot the Future

  • Maarten van Huijstee, Wisdom in Business 

  • Tim Westwell, Pukka Herbs

Moderator Q&A and chat room: